Big Ideas for Little People
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My First Book of Feminism
by Julie Merberg and illustrated by Michéle Brummer Everett
Equality starts early, and it begins at home.
As soon as girls are big enough to flip through a board book, they can understand the concept that girls are equal to boys. This book underscores that important idea with clear, simple illustrations and clever rhyming text. From encouraging girls to use their voice and to support other girls to showing them that beauty is on the inside to reminding them that no woman is free until all women are free, there are big lessons here, in a small and appealing package.
“It’s so perfectly appropriate for a board book, and it includes adorable illustrations and cute rhyme. It will appeal to babies but packs a big girl power punch!”
—By Ciarra Chavarria, NBC News
“From encouraging girls to use their voice and normalizing the idea of girls as leaders to showing them that beauty is on the inside, the book [My First Book of Feminism] aims to teach big lessons with a kid-friendly approach.”
ISBN: 9781941367940
Price: $10.99, $13.99 Can
7 x 7, 20 pages
For ages: 0-3
Available now
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